Live WE RIDE OLYMPICS with Urban World Series

· Urban World Series will follow the pre, during and post Paris 2024 through We Ride Olympics.

· Don’t miss all the news, exlusive interviews and more.

Today we present a new content in Urban World Series channels: We Ride Olympics.

A way to know all the important info about Urban Sports: Skateboarding, BMX and Breaking, in Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

we ride olympics

Skateboarding is in one of the highest moments and with more level in the world of competition. Especially for women like Rayssa Leal or Spaniard Daniela Terol:  “There are still two competitions that are more or less the ones that will define everything, Shanghai and Budapest Olympic Series Qualifier, depending on how I do in those competitions I will know if I am qualified for the games“.

BMX is also living one of its best moments in history with this second Olympic games experience.

Urban World Series & Extreme Barcelona legend, Venezuelan Daniel Dhers, will try to win another medal after his silver in Tokyo 2020. Paris 2024 will be his last games and it would be a perfect ending for his career. He’s retiring at the end of the year.

we ride olympics

Breaking: from the Bronx to the Olympics.

Breaking will show to the World what is capable of for the first time ever in the heart of Sports, the Olmpic Games, in Paris 2024. Athletes as B-Girl Law, Xak, or Ana Furia, are also trying to to get their olympic place.

See you all in We Ride Olympics!