
Scootception is a new Urban World Series scootering competitive format.

The contest is simple: 1 rider, 1 park and 100 minutes to perform the best line they can.

For this first edition, we have a bunch of talented riders who tried their best in a brand new skatepark around Barcelona, Dosrius Skatepark.

Many styles and ways to skate in every single athlete.

Watch and vote for your favorite line, you are also a judge. Who will take the win?

It’s about perception, it’s about Scootception

Overall Contest Winner: Mathias Island

Best Trick Winner: Matej Pekárek


Arthur Frugier
David Senkyr
Guifré Obradors
Ian Pedreño
Lucas Saint Hilaire
Matej Pekárek
Mathias Island
Toni Castillo


Ruben Rodriguez
Pol Román
Fan Judge


  • 8 athletes will ride alone in the same park.
  • Every rider will have 100 minutes timecap for trying to hit their best line in the Park.
  • Run length has to be minimum 45 seconds and a maximum 1 minute 30 seconds
  • All the features in the park and there will be no tricks restrictions (air tricks, rail tricks, balance tricks are allowed). Riders can use the park as they want to perform their best line.
  • After the 100 min countdown riders will stop to ride immediately, and they not landed their line as planned they will keep as official line the best attempt line.
  • Only tricks landed inside the 100 min timecap will be allowed as a valuable trick for the contest.
  • Three judges will decide the best line winner: two main judges and the public voting as a third judge.