Urban World Series news of the week – June 21, 2024: Sants Barcelona spot alive, Andrew Verde and Nolan Shoemaker new parts, and more

Sants Barcelona spot
  • Sants Barcelona spot will be alive, Andrew Verde “Buenas Noticias” part, Malice BMX new project, New half pipe in the UK and Nolan Shoemaker “909” part, are the Urban World Series TOP news of the week.
  • Welcome to Urban World Series News of the week June 21, 2024.

Sants Barcelona spot is forever

S4NT FOREVER association is doing a great job trying to save one of the most iconics skate spots in the planet: Sants in Barcelona.

ADIF government just started a remodelation of the whole station and plaza, and is confirmed that the new place will have a skateable area.

Andrew Verde “Buenas Noticias” video part.

Best fakie front crooks in the game? One of the bests, for sure.

Andrew is one of the Spanish finest skateboarders.

Andrew competed in Madrid Urban Sports virtual edition back in 2020, watch here.

Grab a beer and enjoy.

SOLE CONTROL – Malice BMX project

Malice BMX is a new project on the horizon and they came out swinging with their first full-length SOLE CONTROL.

Sole Control is an instant classic, featuring parts from Andy Garcia, Pat Freyne, Cody Nemeth, Nick Krauer, Ryan Mills, Chris Kerrigan, Aryei Levenson, and Riley Smith.

One hell of a crew, great riding, and dialed filming by Grant Castelluzzo. Hit play and enjoy…

“This whole brand and video is about taking the reins and doing things how you like to do them, without any thought of how someone is going to perceive it. Bmx is you and your bike, you have sole control.” – Phil Arellano  

Film/edit: Grant Castelluzzo

New Half pipe in the UK

If you live in Nottingham or close to, congrats!

This month, SkateboardGB celebrated the epic opening of a brand-new halfpipe that Sky Brown shredded earlier this year for a promo.

This vert ramp is one of only 14 in the UK and now calls Flo Skatepark in Nottingham its home.

This beast of a ramp stands 13.5 feet high and 25 feet wide. It was custom-built earlier this year and floated on a pontoon in the River Thames in London. Yeah, you read that right!

Nolan Shoemaker “909” video part

No spot is safe with Nolan around! With 909, he show, 0nce again, why he’s one of the most Street Scootering athletes in the planet.

You better don’t miss this one. Tap play and enjoy!

Check out last weeks Urban World Series news of the week, here.